About Subcommittees


Membership Subcommittee

One of the key tasks of the Membership Subcommittee is the recruitment of new members into DOGA. It organizes events that will attract and convert old girls who are not yet members. It is also responsible for coordinating with DOGA members, keeping them posted of activities organized by DOGA and serving as the contact point for members and class representatives. This subcommittee works closely with the Secretarial Subcommittee to update the contact addresses and all relevant records of members of DOGA.

If you wish to offer any help to the Membership Subcommittee, please feel free to contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Membership Subcommittee Members 2024-25

Helen Wong
Christy Lam
Charmine Leung
Heather Fung
Cindy Tong
Aka Lee
Angele Law
Elaine Mok
Eva Shek
Gladys Lo
Grace Lee Lam
Jamie Lam
Kelly Lo
Liane Lee
Lily Yeung
Shiobhon Luk
Suzanne Wong
Tinna Koo
Vivien Li