Upcoming Events

DGS Careers Fair 2018 on 21 April

Further to the success last year, our school will host a Careers Fair on Saturday 21 st April 2018 to enable the DGS students to learn about different careers and professions. Through this Fair, the School hopes our girls will be able to interact with and learn from professionals who are day-to-day practitioners and experts in their respective fields. We believe the Fair will be an invaluable learning opportunity for the girls and may help to spark their interest in exploring a wide variety of career options.

In order to make this event a success, we are gratefully seeking your kind support. Our school is hoping to enlist the support of professionals from a wide array of industries, to share their knowledge and give advice during the Fair. Our school plans for all these professional representatives to be stationed at tables in the Assembly Hall, and for the girls to move freely around the venue to these different stations. The representatives would not need to give speeches nor make presentations; rather they would be there to answer questions and to speak to and guide the girls on an individual or small group basis. The school hopes this informal environment minimizes the amount of advanced preparation needed and helps create a comfortable environment for the girls to interact.

The specific date and details are as follows:

Date of Careers Fair: Saturday 21st April 2018
Time: 2:00pm to 5:00pm
(We also welcome those that are available for less than 3 hours.)
Venue: Assembly Hall, Diocesan Girls’ School
Target Students: S1-S6 DGS girls only

Our school is not expecting yourself and other representatives to prepare handouts, brochures and/or posters, unless you voluntarily wish to do so. The focus of the event is on discussion and engagement. The following questions might give you an idea of the types of questions students may have and the types of things you may wish to discuss with them:
• What is a typical day like in your particular profession? What makes your job exciting?
• What skills are required to perform well? What sort of personality is best suited to the profession?
• What are the job prospects like? Is it a growing industry? Is it difficult / easy to enter the industry as a new employee?
• What subjects should students study in Secondary School and in University to prepare themselves? What extra-curricular activities should students expose themselves to?

The attached sheet ( lists out the professions that we are targeting. However we are acutely aware of the dynamic nature of many industries and that many jobs do not “fit” neatly into the listed categories. Therefore we are very open to other professions not currently listed.

The success of this Fair will be due to your kind care and support to DGS education. If you are interested to help, please reply with your name, profession and contact method to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 29 March 2018 and we will contact you for further details.

We greatly appreciate your help and we look forward to hopefully welcoming you to DGS on 21st April 2018.

DOGA Careers & Scholarship Sub-committee