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DOGA Annual Dinner 2018

"Nostalgic Night" was a fitting theme for the 2018 DOGA Annual Dinner, during which more than 400 old girls from classes spanning over 50 years shared an evening of nostalgia and memories. The dinner was held at City Hall Maxim's Palace for the first time, and the venue was adorned with festive pink cherry blossoms. Many of our old girls dressed up for the occasion, including in elegant cheongsams, bell bottoms, and colourful headbands. Twenty winners were selected in the "best dressed" competition. Congratulations to the Class of 1996 for winning our "best turnout class" award, with 30 members of the class joining the dinner. We would like to extend our gratitude to the sponsors of the 120 lucky draw prizes and six table prizes. We hope that many old girls will join this fun-filled annual event again next year.

Nostalgic Night
Best Dressed Competition Winners
Best Turnout Class 1996
Annual Dinner Organising Committee
Class of 1968 celebrating 50th Anniversary
Lucky draw first prize winner
Cupcakes and wine on celebration class table
DOGA General Committee