
Class News

Class of 1966 - 50th Anniversary Reunion

In celebration of their 50th reunion, the class of 1966 old girls in Hong Kong organized a series of events for their overseas classmates. The first round kicked off with a school campus tour, lunch at Eaton Hotel, and the evening highlight of the DOGA Annual Dinner on 28th October 2016.

For those overseas girls that missed the first round of fun, a campus tour, lunch and another reunion dinner at the Chariot Club were held on 4th November. A guided tour to Chi Lin Monastery and Nan Lin Garden followed on 5th November.

The final event was on 6th November. The day began with a guided tour to two famous spots of The Chinese University of Hong Kong — the Promenade, and One with Nature at New Asia College. A sumptuous meal at the Staff Lounge at Lee Woo Sing College concluded the morning. The reunion celebration came to a delightful end after a post lunch guided tour to Tze Shan Monastery. With friendship so much rekindled, talks for another reunion overseas next year are already in progress.