
Interview with Ms. Ma, Mrs. Watt, and Mrs. Yeung

A Glimpse of our Junior School From Then Till Now

It was the usual hectic scene at the back gate of our Junior School as we eagerly awaited the arrival of our guests for the long-anticipated interview - three dedicated teachers who have each taught at DGJS for no less than thirty years. To our surprise, the three of them have not aged a bit as they appeared together and our conversation began instantly.

We walked to and settled down at a nearby restaurant, and we wasted no time in trying to find out as much as possible about DGJS now and during the old school days.

(M: Ms. Ma; W: Mrs. Watt; Y: Mrs. Yeung)

Q: Which year did you start to teach at DGJS?

M: 1967
W: 1967
Y: 1970

Q: How was the Junior School different 30 years ago?

Y: Back in those days, P1 to P4 classes were held in the wooden hut, while P5 and P6 classes were held on the senior school premises.

Q: How about academics for the girls?

Y: I feel that our students are more well-rounded now than before, but the depth of knowledge in each field of subject seems less profound due to the increase of subjects that need to be covered in recent years.

M: The level of Chinese language is much more difficult now than before and the level of proficiency has gone up a lot for our girls now.

Q: How are DGJS girls different now than before?

M: I find them closer to their teachers now.

Y: They are also more 'lively' these days!

Q: What are the challenges of being a teacher these days?

W: Workload is much heavier than before and the challenge is to finish things on hand in a timely manner.

M: We also have to meet new external changes and social demands.

Y: As expectations become higher, we as teachers need to accommodate to these continuous changes as there are more logistics involved now besides the daily task of teaching such as planning, administration and evaluation.

Q: How are DGJS girls different from students from other schools in HK?

Y: They are definitely much more self-confident as you would notice in Speech Festivals.

M: They have always been better than the rest and are generally more out-spoken.

Q: Do you find our girls difficult to teach?

Y: Not exactly, but they do have their own thinking sometimes and may challenge the way things are taught, for example, how a sentence may be structured differently!

M: Their skills and levels of reading seem to be ahead of other schools by quite a bit; you have to be creative with these kids!

Q: Is there any memorable event that happened in your career?

M: There are many interesting things, I remember having to pick up a coin that a student accidentally left inside a toilet bowl! And being invited to weddings by students that I taught many years ago!

Q: What will you miss most about the school when you leave or retire?

W: I will miss the old staff room a lot, the atmosphere in those old days, the people, the chit-chat going around.

M: After I retire, I shall miss the bauhinias that blossom so beautifully in our school garden each year at springtime and of course the laughter of the children at school. I have spent so much more time at school than at home for these past 30 years, I would eventually like to do some traveling and perhaps pursue some studying!

Y: I will definitely miss the annual Speech Festival, the coaching of the students, their achievements, perhaps I may come back to help those teachers on maternity leave!

W: I will miss having fun with all the teachers in those old days, nowadays we hardly have time to joke around with our busy schedule!

Y: I will miss that too!

Our three respectable and loving teachers have dedicated almost their entire careers to DGJS and have spent so much of their time, effort and heart all these years that a huge part will be missing when they retire. Mrs. Yeung even commented on how she would be worried about having nothing to do when she retires eventually!

Unfortunately we did not have enough time to pursue and relive as many of those precious moments and times from Junior School as we wished, but we will always cherish deeply these three wonderful teachers who have devoted their lives to educating us.

Written by: Audrey Chen Tam

May Kwong brought a piece of her work from Mrs. Watt's art lesson more than 20 years ago. Mrs. Watt was amazed to see her still keeping it and said that she herself did not even have a sample anymore!!

My impressions of the three teachers did not change a bit: Mrs. Watt and Mrs. Yeung are always extremely fashionable, and Miss Ma always patient and soft-spoken. They still looked EXACTLY the same as when I first knew them in 1978! What surprised me more was that Mrs. Yeung could even remember my full name. No words could describe the warmth and familiarity I felt with these teachers. Every smile and gesture were just the same. Even though decades have passed, our teachers are always an inspiration to us and always so knowledgeable. They seem more lively and witty now as we become adults and they chat and joke with us just like friends. I left the interview contented, knowing that they are well and sound. They will always be the gems of DGS.

To Mrs. Watt (for this year) and Miss Ma (for next year)
On your retirement, I wish that you will have the chance to do the things you have always wanted to, and hope that you will find great happiness in the years ahead.

To Mrs. Yeung
I wish you good health and happiness. Enjoy still, the years teaching in DGJS.

May Kwong (Year 1989)

25th Reunion of Class of 1990 (2015) - Mrs. Yeung, Mrs. Watt, Mrs. Cheung